Water Lily Place Mat Pattern #8

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Water Lily Place Mat Pattern


Make a chain 2 inches longer than desired length. ROW 1—Sk 4 ch, dc in next 4 ch, (ch 7, sk next 5 ch, dc in next 5 ch) repeated for desired length. Cut and rip excess chain. ROW 2—Ch 4. turn, sk 2 dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, sk 1 dc, dc in next dc, * ch 5, dc in next dc, (ch 1, sk 1 dc, dc in next dc) twice. Repeat from * across. ROW 3—Ch 4, turn, dc in next dc, ch 1, dc in next dc, * ch 3, sc around center of next 2 lps, inserting hook under ch-7 lp in Row 1. Draw sc very tight. Ch 3, dc in next dc, (ch 1, dc in next dc) twice. Repeat from * across. ROW 4—Ch 3, turn, * (dc in next ch-1, dc in next dc) twice, ch 7, dc in next dc. Repeat from * across. Repeat Rows 2, 3 and 4 for desired size, ending with Row 3. Heading Row—Repeat Row 4 except make ch-5 lps instead of ch-7 lps. Fasten off.


Lily SKYTONE Mercerized Crochet Cotton.
9-balls Chartreuse, 2-balls Shd. Yellows and 1-ball each Laven­der and Shd. Greens,—sufficient for 4 Place Mats.
Crochet hook No. 7.

Size—12 x 18 inches.

Starting at bottom with Chartreuse, make a chain 21 inches long. ROW 1—Sk 4 ch, dc in next 4 ch, (ch 7, sk 5 ch, dc in next 5 ch) repeated for 18 inches when stretched. Cut and rip excess chain. Repeat Rows 2, 3 and 4 of Basic Founda­tion thru Row 36 (to measure 7½ inches), then repeat Head­ing Row. TOP BANDROW 1—Ch 1, turn, (sc in each dc, 4 sc in each ch-5 lp) repeated across. ROW 2—Ch 5, turn, sk 1 sc, * holding back the last lp of each tr on hook, make tr in next 2 sc, thread over and draw thru all lps on hook (Cluster-de­crease made), tr in next 3 sc, (tr in next 2 sc) made into a Cluster, tr in next 2 sc. Repeat from * across. ROW 3—Ch 5, turn, sk 1 tr, tr in each tr across, tr in end ch-5. Repeat Row 3 ten times. Edge—Ch 1, turn, sc in 1st tr, ch 4, sl st in sc for a p, sc in same tr, sc in next 3 tr, a p, (sc in next 4 tr, a p) repeated across. (Sc, a p, sc) in corner. Continue around with 4 sc, a p repeated closely. Join. Fasten off.

FLOWERCenter—With Lavender, ch 6, join with sl st to form ring, ROW 1—Ch 1, 10 sc in ring, join with sl st in front lp of 1st sc. ROW 2—Ch 1, sc in same sc, (ch 5, sc in same sc, ch 5, sc in front lp of next sc) repeated around (20 lps). Fasten off. ROW 3Small Petals—Attach Shd. Yellows, 2 sc in back lp of each sc around (20 sc). Join. ROW 4—Ch 1, sc in each sc around. Join. ROW 5—* Ch 10, sc in 2d ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next 2 ch, tr in next 3 ch, dc in next ch, hdc in next, sk 1 sc on ring, sc in next sc. Repeat from * 9 times. ROW 6—(Ch 4, sc in back lp of sc between next 2 petals) 10 times. ROW 7—Ch 1, sc in next lp, * ch 12, sc in 2d ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next, tr in next, dtr in next 5 ch, tr in next ch, dc in next, sc in next ch-4 lp. Repeat from * 9 times. Fasten off. Make 5 Flowers.

LEAF—With Shd. Greens ch 6, join with sl st to form ring. ROW 1—Ch 1, sc, hdc, 2 dc, 2 tr, 3 dtr, 2 tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc in ring. ROW 2—Ch 1, turn, sc in 1st st, 2 hdc in next st, 2 dc in next, (3 tr in next st) twice, (3 dtr in next) 5 times, (3 tr in next) twice, 2 dc in next st, 2 hdc in next, sc in next, sc down in center ring, ch 8 for a stem. Fasten off. Make 4 Leaves.

Tack Flowers evenly spaced on Top Band with 4 Leaves between, as in illustration.

Stretch and pin doily right-side-down in true shape. Steam and press dry thru a cloth.


Middle of pattern was inadvertently missed when first published online. Missing portion (FLOWER section) has been added and pattern completed 12/13/13.