Tablecloth Patterns

Pineapple Bedspread or Tablecloth Pattern #7650-A

Bedspread or Tablecloth Pattern #7650-A


90 x 108 inches

Pineapple Tablecloth Pattern #7768-C

Tablecloth Pattern, No. 7768-C

MATERIALS: J. & P. Coats or Clark's O.N.T. Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet, Size 30 … Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.

Checkmate Tray Mat Pattern #7019

Checkmate Tray Mat Pattern #7019

Choose one of the following threads in White or Ecru:
Clark's O.N.T. Mercerized Crochet, size 20, 5 balls.

Festival Tablecloth Pattern #7003

Festival Tablecloth Pattern #7003

Choose one of the following threads in White or Ecru:
Clark's O.N.T. Mercerized Crochet, size 50, 19 balls.

Star Wheel Tablecloth Pattern #744-H

Star Wheel Tablecloth Pattern #744-H

Choose one of the following threads in White or Ecru:
Clark's O.N.T. Mercerized Crochet, size 20, 87 balls.

The King Cedric Dinner Cloth Pattern #729

The King Cedric Dinner Cloth Pattern #729

The design for this lovely cloth was inspired by the King Cedric pattern of china, silverware and glassware, Oneida Community.

Empire Medallion Tea Cloth Pattern #741

Empire Medallion Tea Cloth Pattern #741

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Mercerized Crochet, Size 30, White, 15 balls; or J. & P. Coats, 9 balls. 1⅓ yards linen. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 10.

Luncheon or Tea Cloth Pattern #223

Luncheon or Tea Cloth Pattern #223

Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Mercer­ized Crochet Size 20 white.
Milward's steel crochet hook No. 8.

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