Crochet Country Fair | Book 51 | Lily Mills Company

Crochet Country Fair | Lily Design Book No. 51

Crochet Country Fair
Book No. 51
Lily Mills Company
Original Copyright 1950

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Patterns Included: 
New Angles Tablecloth, Daisy Ring Doily, Rose Circle Doily, Breakfast Table Color Placemat, Filmy Charm Table Doily Set, Buffet Scarf, Filet Centerpiece, Cala Lily Chair Set in Shadow Filet, Pineapple Squares Vanity Set, Contoured Crochet Rug, Peony Garden Bedspread, Ruffles and Forget-Me-Nots Centerpiece, Hot Plate Mats.

Blue Ribbon Crochet Designs - the best in design for home use; prize winning designs for contests.