Doll Patterns

Jack and Jill Pattern

Materials Required—The following AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY Products:

Little Red Riding Hood Doll Pattern

These clothes may be made with any of the AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY products listed below:


Queen of Hearts Doll Patterns

These clothes may be made with any of the AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY products listed below:


Little Bo Peep Doll Pattern

These clothes may be made with any of the AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY products listed below:


Jack & Jill Doll Patterns

These clothes may be made with any of the AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY products listed below:


Gibson Girl Doll Pattern

These clothes may be made with any of the AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY products listed below:


Bridesmaid Doll Pattern

These clothes may be made with any of the AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY products listed below:


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