Use J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70, with a tatting shuttle.
Tie ball and shuttle threads together. R of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, lp, 8 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. * (Rw, r of 8 ds, join to lp of first r, 8 ds, cl. Rw, ch same as before) twice. Rw, r of 8 ds, join to lp, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, cl. Reversing curve of ch, ch of 3 ds, 3 p's sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. R of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, lp, 8 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to center p of next-to-last ch, 3 ds, p, 3 ds. Repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut.
Use J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70, with a tatting shuttle.
Tie ball and shuttle threads together. * R of 4 ds, 5 p's sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 6 ds, 3 p's sep by 4 ds, 6 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to 4th p of previous r, 4 ds, 3 p's sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, cl. Rw and repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut.
Use J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70, with a tatting shuttle.
FIRST MOTIF … Center r of 2 ds, 8 p's sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Lr of 2 ds, p, (6 ds, p) twice; 2 ds, cl. Join to first p of center r. * Sm r of 2 ds, join to last p of lr, (4 ds, p) twice; 2 ds, cl. Join to next p of center r. Lr of 2 ds, join to last p of sm r, (6 ds, p) twice; 2 ds, cl. Join to next p. Repeat from * 2 more times. Sm r of 2 ds, join to p of lr, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to first p of first lr, 2 ds, cl. Join to 8th p of center r. Tie and cut.
Use J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70, with a tatting shuttle.
R of 5 ds, 3 p's sep by 5 ds, cl. Rw, r of 2 ds, sm p, 5 ds, p, 5 ds, sm p, 2 ds, half cl (draw half way up to form a half r). Rw, r of 5 ds, join to last p of first r, * (5 ds, p) twice; 5 ds, cl. Rw, r of 2 ds, join to last sm p of previous half r, 5 ds, p, 5 ds, sm p, 2 ds, half cl. Rw, r of 5 ds, join to last p of previous r. Repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut.
Use J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70, with a tatting shuttle.
R of 3 ds, p, * (3 ds, p) twice; 3 ds, cl. Sp of ¼ inch. R of 3 ds, join to last p of previous ring. Repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut.
Use J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70, with a tatting shuttle.
Tie ball and shuttle threads together. R of (2 ds, p) 3 times; 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds. Rw, r of (2 ds, p) 3 times; 2 ds, cl. * Rw, ch of 2 ds, 2 p's sep by 1 ds, 2 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, join to last p of preceding r, (2 ds, p) twice; 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds. Rw, r of (2 ds, p) 3 times; 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, join to last p of adjacent r, (2 ds, p) twice; 2 ds, cl. Repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut.
J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, Art. A.21, Size 70: 1 ball of No. 15-B Shaded Bright Reds.
1 handkerchief, 12 inches square.
J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, Art. A.21, Size 70: 1 ball of No. 18 Shaded Lavenders.
1 handkerchief, 12 inches square.
To match the Florentine Banquet Cloth
MATERIALS FOR EIGHT 18-INCH SIZE NAPKINS: Bucilla Wondersheen Crochet and Knitting Cotton, Article 3666, 1 skein,
Bucilla Blue Label Super Crochet and Knitting Cotton, Article 3457, 1 skein.
1 Bucilla Steel Crochet Hook No. 9, Article 4300.