Mens Crochet Gloves Pattern #624

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Mens Crochet Gloves Pattern #624

YARN: 4-ounces of 4-ply Knitting Worsted

GAUGE: 4 sts to an inch.

   RIGHT GLOVE: Work begins at outer edge. Chain 41 sts. ROW 1: Make 1 s c in 3rd ch from hook and in each remaining 38 chain sts, (39 s c). ROW 2: Note: Working through back loop of sts for remainder of glove. Make 1 s c in each st across row; slip st in top of turning chain; ch 1, turn. ROW 3: 1 s c in each st across row. Ch 1, turn. ROW 4: 1 s c in next 30 sts; ch 14 for 3rd finger, turn. ROW 5: Make 1 s c in 3rd ch from hook, and in each of the remaining 11 chain sts; 1 s c in each st to end of row. Ch 1, turn. ROW 6: Repeat row 2. ROW 7: Repeat row 3. ROW 8: Make 1 s c in next 30 sts; chain 16 for 2nd finger, turn. ROW 9: 1 s c in 3rd ch from hook and in each of the remaining 13 ch sts; 1 s c in each st to end of row. Ch 1, turn. ROW 10: Repeat row 2. ROW 11: Repeat row 3. ROW 12: Make 1 s c in next 30 sts; chain 14 sts for first finger, turn. ROW 13: 1 s c in 3rd ch from hook and in each of remaining 11 ch sts; 1 s c in each st to end of row. Ch 1, turn. ROW 14: Repeat row 2. ROW 15: Repeat row 3. ROW 16: Make 1 s c in next 22 sts; chain 12 sts for thumb, turn. ROW 17: 1 s c in 3rd ch from hook and in remaining 9 ch sts; 1 s c in each st to end of row, ending at cuff. ROW 18: Repeat row 2. ROW 19: Repeat row 3. ROW 20: Repeat row 2. ROW 21: Repeat row 3. Break yarn at end of this row. Mark end of row with a colored thread. Tie yarn at top of thumb chain. 1st row: Make 1 s c in 10 chain sts of thumb; 1 s c between thumb and 1st finger; 1 s c in 19 sts of first finger (going through top loop); ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Make 1 s c in 3rd ch from hook; 1 s c in each st along first finger and thumb (31 s c); slip st in last st. Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: 1 s c in next 11 sts; 2 s c in next st; 1 s c in next 19 sts; slip st in turning ch. Chain 1, turn. 4th row: 1 s c in next 32 sts; slip st in turning ch. JOINING OF THUMB: Fold thumb in two; slip st in next st; s c the next 12 sts together, (20 sts should remain on row down to cuff). Break yarn. Tie yarn at marker. Ch 1, make 1 s c in next 20 sts; 1 s c in thumb joining; 1 s c in 9 sts; chain 16 for 2nd finger. NEXT ROW: 1 s c in 3rd chain from hook and in each of the remaining 13 ch sts; 1 s c in each st to end of row. Ch 1, turn. ROW 3: 1 s c in each st across row, ending with slip st in turning ch. Ch 1, turn. ROW 4: 1 s c in each st to end of row. Ch 1, turn. ROW 5: 1 s c in next 30 sts; ch 14 sts for 3rd finger; turn. ROW 6: 1 s c in 3rd ch from hook and in each of the remaining 11 ch sts; 1 s c in each st to end of row. Ch 1, turn. ROW 7: 1 s c in each st across row, ending with a slip st in turning ch. Ch 1, turn. ROW 8: 1 s c in each st to end of row. Ch 1, turn. ROW 9: 1 s c in next 30 sts; ch 11 sts for little finger; turn. ROW 10: 1 s c in 3rd ch from hook; 1 s c in remaining 8 sts of chain; 1 s c in each st to end of row. Ch 1, turn. ROW 11: 1 s c in each st to end of row, ending with a slip st in turning ch. Ch 1, turn. ROW 12: 1 s c in each st to end of row, ending at cuff. Ch 1, turn. JOINING: Fold glove in two; s c sides together and continue around fingers. Break yarn. Sew tip of thumb together. MAKE OTHER GLOVE THE SAME WAY, folding thumb in opposite direction when joining.