Size 34-36
Materials: J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 14 balls of color 48 Hunter's Green; or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita, 17 balls. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 2. Use thread double throughout.
Gauge: 6 sts equal 1 inch; 3 rows equal 1 inch.
For different size or shaping, turn to directions on patternbook page.
Front section and half of back are worked in one piece. Beginning at lower edge, with thread double, ch 98. 1st row: 1 half d c in 3rd ch from hook, 1 half d c in each st of ch.Ch2, turn. 2nd to 52nd rows incl: 1 half d c through middle loop of each st. (Entire jacket is worked in this way.) Ch 2, turn. 53rd row: 1 half d c in each of 50 sts, ch 2, turn. 54th row: (To start shaping back of raglan armhole.) Insert hook in 1st st, draw loop through, insert hook in next st, draw loop through, then take off all 3 loops at once (1 st decreased). Continue with 1 half d c in each st to end of row. Ch 2, turn. 55th row: 1 half d c in each st to within 2 sts from end of row, then decrease 1 st as in 54th row. Ch 2, turn.
56th to 79th rows incl: Alternate 54th and 55th rows until 22 sts remain. Fasten off. To finish front, leave 14 sts free at underarm and attach thread to 15th st. Then alternate 54th and 55th rows until 13 sts remain. Then decreased sts at each row on armhole edge until 1 st remains. Fasten off. Make another piece the same.
Sleeves: Beginning at lower edge, ch 73, turn. 1st row: 1 half d c in 3rd ch from hook, 1 half d c in each st of ch, ch 2, turn. 2nd to 52nd rows incl: Same as 2nd row of jacket. 53rd row: Sl st along 6 sts, then work as before to within 6 sts from end of row, ch 2, turn. Then decrease 1 st at each end of each row (2 decreases to the row) until 11 sts remain. Then decrease 2 sts at each end until 1 st remains. Fasten off.
Front band with pocket: Ch 132, turn. 1st to 4th rows incl: Work same as for sleeve. 5th row: Increase 1 st at end of row. (This is neckline edge.) 6th row: Increase 1 st at beginning of row. 7th to 14th rows incl: Alternate 5th and 6th rows. 15th row: (To start pocket.) 1 half d c in each of 56 sts, ch 2, turn. 16th row: Decrease 1 st at beginning of row. 17th row: Decrease 1 st at end of row. Alternate 16th and 17th rows until 35 sts remain. Fasten off. Make another piece the same.
Cuffs: Ch 22, turn. 1st to 44th rows incl: Work straight.
Collar: Ch 27, turn. Work same as cuffs until piece measures about 29 inches.
Pleat for back: Ch 38, turn. Work same as cuffs for 67 rows. Starting at lower edge of back of jacket, insert pleat at center of back and whip edges together. Whip back seam of jacket down from neckline to cover top of pleat. Fold inserted section to form inverted pleat. To hold in pleat form, sl st down each side on wrong side of pleat. Sew up sleeve seams, whip cuffs to sleeves and sew sleeves in jacket. Sew front band in place, whipping down pocket along lower edge and sides. Sew on collar, making 2 one-inch pleats over each sleeve. Cut 24 strands of thread 45 inches long. Make 3 knots 3 inches apart from each end. Use as tie at neck.