Bedroom Rug Pattern #4-77

Bedroom Rug Pattern #4-77

ROYAL SOCIETY RUG COTTON, 7 balls of Barberry Red and 1 ball of White.
Bone Crochet Hook No. 8.

Luncheon Set Pattern #4-82

Luncheon Set Pattern #4-82

ROYAL SOCIETY SIX CORD CORDICHET, Size 30: Small Ball: 9 balls of any color, or Large Ball: 4 balls of White or Ecru.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.

Round Luncheon Set Pattern #4-83

Round Luncheon Set Pattern #4-83

ROYAL SOCIETY "EVERSHEEN," 400-yard balls: 2 balls of White or Ecru.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.

Polka Dot Luncheon Set Pattern #4-84

Polka Dot Luncheon Set Pattern #4-84

ROYAL SOCIETY "EVERSHEEN", 400-yard balls: 2 balls of White or Ecru.

Round Doily Pattern #4-86

Round Doily Pattern #4-86

ROYAL SOCIETY SIX CORD CORDICHET, Small Ball, Size 30: 1 ball of White or Ecru.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.

Runner Pattern #4-87

Runner Pattern #4-87

ROYAL SOCIETY "EVERSHEEN", 400-yard balls: 2 balls of White or Ecru.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.

Bread Tray Doily Pattern #4-88

Bread Tray Doily Pattern #4-88


Applique Pattern #8525

Applique Pattern #8525

Use these appliques on bath towels as a wash cloth pocket. Use Pearl Cotton in size 5.

Feminine Frills Edging Pattern #8498

Feminine Frills Edging Pattern #8498

We suggest thread in sizes 30 to 70

Feminine Frills Edging Pattern #8573

Feminine Frills Edging Pattern #8573

We suggest thread in sizes 30 to 70

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