Applique Patterns

Round Medallion Pattern

Round Medallion Pattern

These medallions make lovely decorations for bed linens, towels, luncheon sets, chair sets, and, if made of very fine thread, for handkerchiefs.

Square Medallion Pattern

Square Medallion Pattern

These medallions make lovely decorations for bed linens, towels, luncheon sets, chair sets, and, if made of very fine thread, for handkerchiefs.

Scroll Motif Pattern #8422-B

Scroll Motif Pattern #8422B

Scroll 1st row: Ch 67, turn; sl st in 16th ch from hook, turn.

Rose Motif Pattern #8422-A

Rose Motif Pattern #8422A

Petal … Ch 20. 1st row: S c in 2nd ch from hook, s c in each ch across, 3 s c in corner ch, s c in each ch along other side of foundat

Picot Branch Motif Pattern #8421-B

Picot Branch Motif Pattern #8421B

Picot Branch … Starting at tip, ch 42, turn. Hereafter all work, except picots, is done over cord.

Plain Branch Motif Pattern #8421-A

Plain Branch Motif Pattern #8421A

Plain Branch … Starting at tip, ch 32, turn. Hereafter all work is done over cord (or 4 strands of same thread).

Flowers and Stem Motif Pattern #8420-B

Flowers and Stem Motif Pattern #8420B

Group consists of 4 parts (2 flowers, 1 rose, and the main stem with bud and leaves).

Stem and Leaf Motif Pattern #8420-A

Stem and Leaf Motif Pattern #8420A

Starting at bottom, ch 70, turn.

Shamrock Motif Pattern #8417-B

Shamrock Motif Pattern #8417B

Starting at center, ch 16. 1st rnd: In 16th ch from hook make s c, ch 15, s c, ch 15, s c.

Rosette Motif Pattern #8417-A

Rosette Motif Pattern #8417A

Starting at center, ch 8, join with sl st. 1st rnd: Ch 6, * d c in ring, ch 3. Repeat from * 4 more times. Join to 3rd st of ch-6 first made.

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