Edging Patterns

Pillow Case Edging #8204 Pattern

Pillow Case Edging #8204 Pattern

Compliment your guests with ensembles of fine bed linen, lavish with these intricate new crocheted designs, in snowy white, or in the soft, muted pastels that are so enchanting!

Pillow Case Edging #8223 Pattern

Pillow Case Edging #8223 Pattern

Compliment your guests with ensembles of fine bed linen, lavish with these intricate new crocheted designs, in snowy white, or in the soft, muted pastels that are so enchanting!

Hairpin Lace Edging #8221 Pattern

Hairpin Lace Edging #8221 Pattern

Always — the eternal feminine! Many are the uses of this airy lace!

Hairpin Lace Edging #8220 Pattern

Hairpin Lace Edging #8220 Pattern

Always — the eternal feminine! Many are the uses of this airy lace!

Hairpin Lace Edging #8214 Pattern

Hairpin Lace Edging #8214 Pattern

Always — the eternal feminine! Many are the uses of this airy lace!

Hairpin Lace Edging #8217 Pattern

Hairpin Lace Edging #8217 Pattern

Always — the eternal feminine! Many are the uses of this airy lace!

Hairpin Lace Edging #8216 Pattern

Hairpin Lace Edging #8216 Pattern

Always — the eternal feminine! Many are the uses of this airy lace!

Baby Edging #8232 Pattern

Baby Edging #8232 Pattern

Baby edgings that inspire delighted “Oh’s” and “Ah’s”!

Baby Edging #8228 Pattern

Baby Edging #8228 Pattern

Baby edgings that inspire delighted “Oh’s” and “Ah’s”!

Baby Edging #8227 Pattern

Baby Edging #8227 Pattern

Baby edgings that inspire delighted “Oh’s” and “Ah’s”!

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