Old Versailles Afghan Pattern #1712

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All the dignity and delicate beauty of Eighteenth Century France is shown in this lovely Grey and Rose afghan.

53 x 64

Materials Required—

13 2-oz. Skeins No. 1212 Grey.
6 2-oz. Skeins No. 1204.5 Lt. Wild Rose.
5 2-oz. Skeins No. 1205 Wild Rose.
4 2-oz. Skeins No. 1205.5 Med. Wild Rose.
5 2-oz. Skeins No. 1206 Dk. Wild Rose.
1 9-inch Hook No. 4 or 5.

AFGHAN STITCH. Chain for desired length and pick up each st of ch, work back by drawing through first one loop, * yarn over and draw through 2 loops, repeat from * to end of row.

2nd Row—Same as first row picking up the vertical yarn instead of ch and work back the same way.

Grey Stripe—Ch 30 and work 29 Afghan sts on ch. Continue rows of Afghan sts until there are 239 rows of Afghan st, break yarn and work 3 more stripes. Embroider each stripe following diagram and color chart.

Rose Border—Attach Lt. Wild Rose, ch 3 and working across the long side, work 1 d c in each of the the next 5 sts inserting the needle between the rows of Afghan sts, * skip 1 space, 4 d c in next space, skip 1 space, 1 d c in each of the next 5 spaces, repeat from * across row, ch 3, turn.

2nd Row—* Work a shell in center of shell, next 5 d c pick up the entire st as follows— yarn over, insert hook in space between shell and d c, bring it out in space between next 2 d c and complete the d c, repeat from * across row, break yarn.

3rd Row—Attach Wild Rose and work 1 d c in each d c and a shell in center of each shell.

4th Row—Repeat 2nd row, break yarn.

5th Row—Attach Med. Wild Rose and repeat 3rd row.

6th Row—Repeat 2nd row, break yarn.

7th Row—Attach Dk. Wild Rose, 1 d c in each d c, * ch 1, skip 1 d c of shell, 1 s c in each of the next 2 d c, ch 1, skip 1 d c, 1 d c in each of the next 5 d c, repeat from * across row, break yarn and repeat border on each side of 4 stripes.

SCALLOP. Work 1 row of s c across both short ends.

Next Row—Ch 4, 2 tr c in same space, ch 2, 3 tr c in same space, * skip 2 sts, s c in next st, skip 2 sts, 3 tr c, ch 2, 3 tr c in next st, repeat from * all around working 4 tr c, ch 2, 4 tr c in each corner.

Old Versailles Afghan Pattern #1712 chart