Checkerboard Bag Pattern #S-462

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COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. "SPEED-CRO-SHEEN" MER­CERIZED COTTON, Art. C.44: 4 balls of No. 12 Black and 1 ball of No. 126 Spanish Red.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 0 (zero).
¼ yard each of black buckram and red felt ... A small padlock and key ... a piece of heavy cardboard.

GAUGE: Each motif measures 1¼ inches square.

MOTIF (Make 32 each of Red and Black) ... Starting at center, ch 2. 1st rnd: 8 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join with sl st to first sc. Hereafter pick up back loop only. 2nd rnd: Sc in first sc, 3 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc, 3 sc in next sc) 3 times. Join. 3rd rnd: Sc in each sc around, making 3 sc in center sc at each corner. Join and break off.

To Join Motifs: Place the wrong sides of a Black and Red Motif together. With Red motif facing and work­ing through both thicknesses, attach Red to back loop of center sc at corner, sl st in back loop of each sc across to center sc at next corner. Then, reversing colors of next 2 motifs, sl st in back loop of center sc at corner and in each sc across to center sc at next corner. Continue in this manner, reversing colors until 32 motifs (16 sets) have been joined. Break off. Join 2 more rows of 16 motifs to previous motifs the same way, alternating colors to form a checkerboard design. Working across short side, join free sides of motifs the same way. Join last row to first row.

BORDER ... 1st rnd: Attach Black to back loop of sc following corner sc on any motif and, * picking up back loop only, sc in each sc across to within next corner sc, (insert hook in next sc and draw loop through) twice, thread over and draw through all loops on hook (joint sc made). Repeat from * around. Join. 2nd to 6th rnds incl: Picking up both loops, sc in each sc around. Join. Break off at end of 6th rnd. Work border on other side the same way.

BOTTOM ... Starting at center with Black, ch 25. 1st rnd: 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across, 3 sc in last ch, working along opposite side of starting chain, make sc in each ch across. Join. 2nd rnd: Sc in each sc, increasing 3 sc evenly on rounded ends—to inc 1 sc, make 2 sc in 1 sc. Join. Repeat 2nd rnd until piece is large enough to fit bottom of bag. Break off. Pin Bottom in place and, working through both thicknesses with Black, sc closely around. Join and break off.

TOP ... Work exactly as for Bottom, do not break off. Next rnd: Sc in back loop of each sc around. Join. Following rnd: Picking up both loops, sc in each sc around. Join. Repeat last rnd 3 more times. Sl st in each sc around. Join and break off.

Cut 2 pieces of cardboard to fit Top and Bottom of bag. Insert cardboards and line bag and Top with buckram and felt. Place Top on bag and sew across 4 inches at back.

HANDLE (Make 2) ... With Black, ch 2: 1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 2nd rnd: Sc in each sc around. Repeat 2nd rnd until piece measures 14 inches (stretched). Break off. Sew Handles in place.

LOOPS ... Mark off 6 sts at center of Top. Attach Black to first st, ch 6, sl st in next marked st. Turn. Sl st in each ch across. Break off. With Red make a loop on bag to correspond. Attach Red to Red loop and make a chain 2 inches long. Break off. Sew key securely to end of chain. Fasten bag with padlock. If desired, a mirror may be glued inside cover of bag.

Other great patterns from Fashions in Quick Crochet, Book No. 302.

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