Crocheted Jacket Pattern #S-453

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COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. "SPEED-CRO-SHEEN" MER­CERIZED COTTON, Art. C.44: 11 balls of No. 12-A Blue Sparkle for Sizes 12 and 14; 12 balls for Size 16; and 1 ball of No. 1 White for all sizes.
Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Crochet Hook No. 5.
Hook and Eye.

GAUGE: 6 sc and 5 ch-1 sps make 2 inches; 5 rows make 1 inch.










Width across back at




Width across each front at
underarm (including border)




Width across back between cuff
edges (including border)




Length from top of shoulder to
lower edge (including border)




Length of side seam (including




Length of sleeve seam
(includ­ing border)




Directions are given for Size 12; changes for Sizes 14 and 16 are in parentheses.

BACK ... Starting at lower edge with Blue Sparkle, make a chain to measure 16 (17, 18) inches. 1st row: Sc in 3rd ch from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 ch, sc in next ch. Repeat from * across until row measures 14½ (15½, 16½) inches—39 (42, 45) sc and 38 (41, 44) ch-1 sps on row. Cut off remaining chain. Ch 2, turn. 2nd row: * Sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 1. Repeat from * across, ending with ch 2, turn. 3rd to 6th rows incl: Repeat 2nd row. 7th row: Sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, sc in same ch-1 sp, ch 1 (increase made at beginning of row), *sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 1. Repeat from * across to last ch-1 sp, sc in last ch-1 sp, ch 1, sc in same ch-1 sp, ch 2, turn (increase made at end of row). Continue in this manner, increasing at both ends of every 7th row thereafter 4 more times. When all increases have been made, row should measure 17½ (18½, 19½) inches across—49 (52, 55) sc and 48 (51, 54) ch-1 sps on row. Work in pattern without increasing until piece measures in all 7 (7½, 7½) inches.

To Shape Sleeves: Inc 1 st at both ends of the next 9 rows. 10th row: Work in pattern across. Ch 17, turn. 11th row: Sc in 3rd ch from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 ch, sc in next ch. Repeat from * across ch, work in pattern across back. Ch 17, turn. 12th row: Sc in 3rd ch from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 ch, sc in next ch. Repeat from * across ch, work in pattern across back. Ch 2, turn. There are 83 (86, 89) sc and 82 (85, 88) ch-1 sps on row. Now work in pattern without increasing until piece measures in all 15 (16, 16) inches, omitting ch 2 at end of last row.

To Shape Tops of Sleeves: 1st row: Sl st in the first 6 sts, work in pattern across to within last 3 ch-1 sps. Turn. 2nd to 5th rows incl: Repeat 1st row. Row measures 19 (20, 21) inches.

To Shape Neck and Shoulders: With pins, mark the center 15 (18, 19) sc on row. 1st row: Sl st across next 6 sts, work in pattern across to within last ch-1 sp before first pinmark, turn. 2nd row: Sl st in first 2 sts, work in pattern across to within last 3 ch-1 sps. Turn. 3rd and 4th rows: Repeat first and 2nd rows. Break off. Attach thread to first ch-1 sp after 2nd pinmark (from sleeve edge on last row) and work other side to corre­spond, reversing shapings.

RIGHT FRONT ... Starting at lower edge with Blue Sparkle, make a chain to measure 8 (8½, 9) inches. 1st row: Work as for first row of Back until row meas­ures 6¾ (7¼, 7¾) inches—21 (22, 24) sc and 20 (21, 23) ch-1 sps on row. Cut off remaining chain. Ch 2, turn. Work in pattern as for Back, increasing at one edge (side edge) on every 7th row thereafter 5 times in all. Row measures 8¼ (8¾, 9¼) inches—26 (27, 29) sc and 25 (26, 28) ch-1 sps on row. Work without increasing until piece measures in all 7 (7½, 7½) inches, ending at side edge.

To Shape Sleeves: Inc 1 st at side edge of the next 9 rows. 10th row: Work in pattern across. Ch 17, turn. 11th row: Work in pattern across chain and remainder of row. Ch 2, turn. There are 43 (44, 46) sc and 42 (43, 45) ch-1 sps on row. Work in pattern without increasing until piece measures in all 14½ (15½, 15½) inches, ending at front edge and omitting ch 2 at end of last row.

To Shape Neck and Top of Sleeve: 1st row: Sl st in next 2 sts, work in pattern across. Ch 2, turn. 2nd row: Work in pattern across to within last ch-1 sp, turn. 3rd row: Sl st in next 2 sts, work across to within last 3 ch-1 sps, turn. 4th row: Sl st in next 6 sts, work in pattern across to within last ch-1 sp. Turn. 5th to 9th rows incl: Repeat 3rd and 4th rows alternately. 10th row: Sl st in next 6 sts, work in pattern across. Ch 2, turn. 11th row: Work in pattern across to within last 3 ch-1 sps. Break off.

LEFT FRONT ... Work exactly as for Right Front.

Block pieces to measurements. Sew side and under­arm sleeve seams in one continuous seam. Sew top sleeve seams and shoulders in one continuous seam.

BORDER ... With right side facing, attach Blue Sparkle at bottom of Left Side seam. 1st rnd: Ch 2, * sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 1. Repeat from * around lower back, front and neck edges, making (sc, ch 1) 3 times and sc in each corner sp. Join. 2nd rnd: Ch 2 and work in pattern around, making (sc, ch 1) 3 times in center sp of each corner. Join and break off. 3rd rnd: Attach White. Repeat 2nd rnd. Join and break off. 4th rnd: Attach Blue Sparkle and repeat 2nd rnd. 5th rnd: Repeat 2nd rnd. Join and break off. Work border around cuff edges in same manner, using Blue Sparkle only and having wrong side of work facing. Turn back cuffs. Sew hook and eye to wrong side at neck edge.

Other great patterns from Fashions in Quick Crochet, Book No. 302.

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