Materials: Clark's O.N.T. (4 balls) or J. & P. Coats (3 balls) Mercerized Crochet, Size 20, White or Ecru. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 6.
Palm. Beginning at wrist, ch 84 (to measure about 7½ inches), turn. 1st row: D c in 4th ch from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 st of foundation ch, d c in next st, and repeat from * to end of ch (41 sps in all). Ch 4, turn. 2nd to 9th rows incl: D c in 1st sp of previous row, * ch 1, d c in next sp, and repeat from * to end of row (41 sps in all). When the 9th row is completed, ch 9 and join with a d c to 1st sp of same row to close up opening, and work in rnds, then make 46 sps in next rnd, distributing 6 sps over the ch 9. 10th to 18th rnds incl: * Ch 1, d c in next sp, and repeat from * around. 19th rnd: Lay work down, having opening in center and work sps (about 5 sps from center opening for left hand glove) towards folded edge, then ch 15, skip 8 sps, d c in 9th sp, * ch 1, d c in next sp, and repeat from * around, making 9 sps over ch-15 (48 sps). 20th to 31st rnds incl: Same as 15th rnd (48 sps in rnd).
Fingers. Forefinger should be directly above thumb opening. Work across 6 sps from outside edge of finger, ch 8, cross over to inside of glove and make 1 d c in 6th sp from outside edge, then * ch 1, d c in next sp, and repeat from * around (making 4 sps over ch-8) until there are about 15 rnds (16 sps). Try on, and if too short, continue working till length desired. It is better not to have the fingers too long. Draw top together and finish off. Middle Finger. Attach thread to bottom of forefinger at back of glove and work across 6 sps, ch 4, cross to palm side of glove, and make 1 d c in 6th sp from forefinger. Work across these 6 sps, then over sps between fingers, and continue around until there are about 17 rnds, (18 sps). Finish off as before. Ring Finger. Same as middle finger, (16 sps), until there are about 16 rnds. Little Finger. Same as forefinger, (14 sps), until there are about 13 rnds. Thumb. Attach thread, and work around thumb opening until there are about 14 rnds (17 sps). Finish off as before.
Finish Opening. Attach thread to 1st sp at palm on little finger side. 1st row: 3 d c in 1st sp of opening, * 2 d c in next sp, and repeat from * to end of opening. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: S c in each d c of one-third of opening, then ch 4 (or more depending on size of buttonhole desired), skip 4 s c, s c in each d c of one-third of same opening, make another buttonhole as previous one, and complete by making s c in each d c to end. Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: S c in each s c, and 5 s c (or more) over each buttonhole. Work other side of opening same as this, but with no buttonholes.
Cuff. Attach thread to 1st s c of opening at wrist and ch 3. 1st row: D c in s c, 2 d c over d c at opening, 3 d c in each sp over foundation ch, ch 4, turn. 2nd row: * Skip 2 d c, s c in next d c, ch 3 and repeat from * to end of row. Ch 5, turn. 3rd row: Tr in 1st loop, * ch 1, tr in same loop, ch 1, tr in same loop, tr in next loop, tr in next loop, and repeat from * ending with 3 tr with ch-1 between in last loop. Ch 4, turn. 4th row: S c over ch-1 between 1st 2 tr, * ch 1, s c over next ch-1, ch 2, skip 3-tr (care must be taken to have the ch-2 loops come over the 3 consecutively worked tr), s c over ch-1, and repeat from * to end of row. Ch 5, turn. 5th row: Same as 3rd row, but always make the single tr over the ch-1 loops, and the 3 tr with ch-1 between over the ch-2 loops. 6th, 7th and 8th rows: Repeat 4th and 5th rows. 9th row: Same as 5th row, but to widen gauntlet slightly, increase in 3 places at regular intervals by working over the ch-2 loops of previous row as follows: 1 tr, ch 1, 1 tr, ch 1, 3 tr, ch 1, 1 tr, ch 1, 1 tr. 10th to 18th rows incl: Repeat 4th and 5th rows. 19th row: Same as 9th row. 20th, 21st and 22nd rows: Repeat 4th and 5th rows. Finish edge of gauntlet as follows: 1st row: Attach thread to 1st d c at wrist and work a row of ch-3 loops around edges. Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: 2 d c in 1st loop, * ch 4, s c in 1st ch of ch-4 for a p, 2 d c in same loop, s c in next loop, 2 d c in next loop, and repeat from * to end. Sew buttons to correspond with buttonholes. Follow same directions for making right glove, but reverse position of thumb and buttonholes.
Parisian Striped Blouse Pattern
Tailored Vest Pattern
Tailored Blouse Pattern
Crocheted Barette Stitch Blouse Pattern
Tucked Beret Pattern
V Collar Pattern
Square Ribbed Collar Pattern
Off the Face Hat with Brim Pattern
Lace Jabot Pattern
Green Crocheted Collar with Ecru Trim Pattern
Crocheted Glove with Triangular Flare Cuff Pattern
Mesh Glove with Open Gauntlet Cuff Pattern
Tilted Beret Pattern
Colorful Scarf Pattern
Colorful Bag Pattern
Lace Ruff Pattern