Runner measures 14 x 36 inches.
J. & P. Coats or Clark's O.N.T. Best Six Cord Mercerized Crochet, Size 30:
ROYAL SOCIETY SIX CORD CORDICHET, Large Ball, Size 30, 1 ball each of (No. 3020) Nile Green, (No. 3032) Dk. Yellow, (No. 3011) Blue, (No. 3018) Beauty Pink, (No.
These doilies may be made with any of the American Thread Company products listed below:
J. & P. COATS or CLARK'S O.N.T. PEARL COTTON, size 5, 1 ball each of Turquoise, Pink and Purple.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 2.
MATERIALS—D-M-C Pearl Cotton, Art. 116D, Size 8: 3 balls Orange Ombre No. 106 or American Beauty Ombre No. 107 (A), 1 ball Green Ombre No. 101 or No.
DAISY Mercerized Crochet Cotton size 20.
1-skein each No. 26 Lt. Blue and No. 19S Shd. Yellows.
Steel crochet hook No. 13.
DAISY Mercerized Crochet Cotton size 30.
1-ball each Med. Blue No. 29, Shd. Roses No. 23S and Sunset No. 201.
MATERIALS: J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70, 1 ball of variegated color … 1 hemstitched linen handkerchief 11 inches square.