Fine Crochet and Tatting
Book No. 259
J. & P. Coats ⋅ Clark's O.N.T.
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1949
brightening of your home with fine crochet and tatting … within the power of your agile fingertips. With J. & P. Coats and Clark's O.N.T. Threads, create filigree-fine lace to shine like a jewel in a perfect setting.
How to Launder Laces … Make a lather of soapy suds and hot water, taking care to have all soap particles well dissolved. Squeeze lace gently through suds until thoroughly cleansed. Rinse in lukewarm water several times to remove soap. Rinse once in cold water, then dry thoroughly.
How to Starch Laces … Make a light solution of elastic starch. Pin article on a flat surface. Then dip a sponge into starch and pat lace until dampened. Then place a dry cloth over lace and, with a moderately heated iron, press until dry.