Danville the Dachshund Pattern #S-617

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Danville the Dachshund Pattern

COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. "SPEED-CRO-SHEEN" MERCERIZED COTTON, Art. C.44: 1 ball of No. 12 Black and 2 balls of No. 123-A Flamingo.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 2/0 (double zero).
Scraps of black, white and red felt … ⅛ yard of organdy material … Cotton batting.

GAUGE: 11 sc make 2 inches; 11 rnds make 2 inches.

HEAD … Starting at nose with Fla­mingo, ch 4. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across. Ch 1, turn. 2nd and 3rd rows: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
   Now work in rnds as follows: 1st rnd: Sc in next 2 sc (top), 2 sc in next sc (an inc—corner), make 5 sc closely along side edge; working along op­posite side of starting chain, make sc in each ch across, 5 sc closely along edge at next side. 2nd rnd: Inc 1 sc in next sc (corner), sc in next 2 sc, inc 1 sc in next sc, sc in each remaining sc around. 3rd rnd: Sc in each sc around. Repeat 3rd rnd once more. Next rnd: Sc in each sc around, increas­ing 1 sc at both corners at top of face. Repeat last 3 rnds once more. Next rnd: (Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) 5 times; sc in each remaining sc, ending with 2 sc in last sc. Following rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 6 sc evenly spaced across top of face. Repeat last rnd until there are 45 sc on rnd. Next rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 3 sc evenly across top of face. Now work without increasing until 22 rnds in all have been completed. Next rnd: Sc in each sc around, decreasing 8 sc evenly spaced—to dec 1 sc, work off 2 sc as 1 sc. Repeat last rnd until 8 sts remain, at the same time stuffing Head very firmly. Break off at end of last rnd, leaving a 10-inch strand. Thread into a needle and draw remaining sts together.

EAR (Make 2) … Starting at center with Flamingo, ch 16. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ending with 3 sc in last ch (tip); now, working along opposite side of starting chain, make sc in each ch across. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: Sc in each sc around, making 2 sc in each sc of the 3-sc group at tip. Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: Sc in each sc around, increas­ing 3 sc evenly spaced around tip. Ch 1, turn. Repeat 3rd row 3 more times. Break off at end of 6th row. Gather narrow ends of ears slightly and sew to sides of Head as illustrated.

BODY … Starting at neck with Black, ch 4. Join with a sl st to form a ring. 1st rnd: 6 sc in ring. 2nd rnd: 2 sc in each sc around. 3rd rnd: * Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc. Repeat from * around. 4th rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 6 sc evenly spaced. Repeat 4th rnd until there are 36 sc on rnd. Next rnd: Sc in each sc around, increas­ing 2 sc evenly spaced. Work without increasing until 19 rnds have been completed. Next rnd: (Dec 1 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc) 4 times; dec 1 sc (front section), sc in each remaining sc. Following rnd: Sc in each sc, de­creasing 5 sc evenly spaced across front. Work without decreasing for 4 more rnds. Break off at end of last rnd. Attach Flamingo and continue to work without decreasing for 13 rnds. Next rnd: Sc in each sc around, decreasing 7 sc evenly spaced. Repeat last rnd until 7 sc remain, at the same time stuffing Body very firmly. Complete as for Head. Sew Head to Body as illus­trated.

COAT TAIL (Make 2) … With Black, ch 16. Work as for Ear until 6 rows have been completed. Break off. Sew narrow ends of each Tail to last Black rnd on back of Body.

HIND LEG (Make 2) … Starting at bottom with Flamingo, ch 2. 1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 2nd rnd: Sc in each sc around. 3rd rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 3 sc evenly spaced. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rnds alter­nately until there are 24 sc on rnd. Next rnd: Sc in each sc around, decreas­ing 6 sc evenly spaced. Repeat last rnd until 6 sc remain, stuffing Legs very firmly. Complete as for Body.

FRONT LEG (Make 2) … Work as for Hind Leg until 4 rnds have been com­pleted. Break off, attach Black and continue to work as for Hind Leg until there are 18 sc on rnd. Now dec as for Hind Leg and complete in same man­ner. Sew Legs to Body as illustrated.

TAIL … Starting at tip with Flamingo, ch 2. 1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 2nd rnd: Sc in each sc around, increasing 1 sc. Repeat 2nd rnd until there are 12 sc on rnd. Work without increasing until Tail measures 6½ inches in all. Break off. Stuff firmly and sew in place.

COLLAR … With pinking shears, cut organdy 4 by 22 inches. Fold length­wise in half and gather along the fold to fit around the neck. Sew in place.
   Cut 2 white felt ovals for eyes. Sew in place. Cut 2 black felt circles for pupils and sew to eyes. Cut a black felt heart and sew to tip of nose. Cut tongue of red felt and sew in place.