Princess Hat Pattern

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This Hat and Tote Bag can be made with:

“GEM” HAT and BAG YARN, Article 144.
2 skeins each Brown, White and Black for Hat.
5 skeins Brown.
1 skein each White and Black for Bag.
Plastic crochet hook size J.

GAUGE: 7 s c = 2 inches - 7 rows = 2 inches.


CROWN: With Brown ch 2, 6 s c in 2nd st from hook, do not join this or following rounds. Place a marker at beginning of each round.

2nd Round. 2 s c in each s c.

3rd Round. Working in s c, increase 6 s c evenly spaced. Repeat last round until work measures 6 inches in diameter. Work even until work measures 5 inches from starting point, join, cut yarn.

BAND: With Brown ch 16, draw up a loop in 2nd st from hook, then draw up a loop in each remaining st of ch, work back by drawing yarn through 1st loop, * yarn over hook and draw through 2 loops, repeat from * to end of row.

2nd Row. Draw up a loop in space between 1st and 2nd vertical bar, then draw up a loop in each remaining space between vertical bars (16 loops), work back by drawing yarn through 1st loop, * yarn over hook and draw through 2 loops, repeat from * to end of row, drop Brown (when changing color always complete last half of last st worked with next color), with White repeat the last row twice, drop White, with Brown repeat the 2nd row twice. Continue in same manner working * 2 rows Black, 2 rows Brown, 2 rows White, 2 rows Brown, repeat from * until band fits comfortably around head ending with a Black row, cut yarn. Sew short ends together. Fold band lengthwise and sew to last round of crown.

Other great patterns from Hats, Bags and Bulky Sweaters, Star Book 107:

Crochet Patterns

Princess Hat
Princess Tote Bag
Pixie Roll Hat
Pixie Roll Purse
Crocheted Slipon
Bat Wing Boxy Sweater
Pixie Fringe Hat
Pixie Fringe Purse
Loop Stitch Beanie
Loop Stitch Purse
Flower Petal Hat
Flower Petal Purse
Pearl Belt
Pearl Gloves
Beaded Collar
Black Velvet Belt
Black Velvet Collar
Ribbon Cloche
Pill Box Hat
Ribbon Purse
Shaker Bonnet
Black & White Striped Hat
Black & White Striped Purse
Popcorn Classic Hat
Popcorn Classic Purse
Crocheted Stocking Cap
Beaded Cloche
Beaded Tote Bag
Fez Hat
Fez Purse
Square Bag Purse

Knitting Patterns

Boxy Bulky Sweater
Casual Boxy Sweater
Knitted Stocking Cap