J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70, 1 ball each of Blue (No. 8), Bright Nile Green (No. 26-B) and Hunter's Green (No. 48). Scraps of Yellow.
LEAVES AND STEMS … With Hunter's Green, tie ball and shuttle threads together. * R of 10 ds, p, 10 ds, cl. Rw, r of 10 ds, p, 10 ds, cl (2 leaves made). Rw, ch of 20 ds, draw tightly to form a curve (stem made). Rw, make 2 more leaves as before. Reversing curve of chain, make ch as before. Rw, repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut.
FLOWER … With Blue, r of 5 ds, 3 p's sep by 5 ds, 5 ds, cl. (R of 5 ds, join to p of preceding r, 2 p's sep by 5 ds, 5 ds, cl) 3 times, joining last r to first r. Tie and cut. Attach to center of first stem by making a French knot of Yellow in center of flower. Tie and cut. Make another flower and attach to next stem. Continue for length desired.
HEADING … With Bright Nile Green, tie ball and shuttle threads together. R of 5 ds, join to p of r at top of first flower, * 5 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to p of top leaf of 2 leaves made. Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to top r of next flower. Ch as before, join to top leaf of next 2 leaves. Ch as before. Rw, r of 5 ds, join to next flower. Repeat from * across. Tie and cut.
INSERTION … Make exactly as for Edging. Attach Bright Nile Green to opposite side of first flower. Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to p of 2nd leaf of first 2 leaves. * Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds. Rw, r of 5 ds, join to next flower, 5 ds, cl. Rw, ch as before, join to 2nd leaf of next 2 leaves. Ch as before, join to next flower. Ch as before, join to next leaf. Repeat from * across. Tie and cut.
Apple Blossom Edging & Insertion Pattern
Aster Edging & Insertion Pattern
Buttercup Edging & Insertion Pattern
Cosmos Edging & Insertion Pattern
Forget-Me-Not Edging & Insertion Pattern
Pansy Edging & Insertion Pattern
Rose Edging & Insertion Pattern
Blouse Insertion Pattern
Canterbury Bell Curtain Edging & Insertion Pattern
Collar & Cuff Edging Pattern
Daisy Pillow Case & Sheet Edging & Insertion Pattern
Narcissus Vanity Set Edging Pattern
Rose Luncheon Mat Edging & Insertion Pattern
Blue Pillow Case Posies Edging & Insertion Pattern
Shaded Blue Pillow Case Posies Edging & Insertion Pattern
Pink Pillow Case Posies Edging & Insertion Pattern
Shaded Pink Pillow Case Posies Edging & Insertion Pattern
Purple Pillow Case Posies Edging & Insertion Pattern
Shaded Purple Pillow Case Posies Edging & Insertion Pattern
Yellow & Blue Pillow Case Posies Edging & Insertion Pattern