Washcloth Edging Pattern #TW-376

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Washcloth Decorative Crochet Pattern TW376

J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Size 70: 1 ball of No. 153 Blended Yellow and Chestnut.
Milward's Steel Crochet Hook No. 14.
A green washcloth 13 inches square.

EDGING ... 1st rnd: Attach thread to any corner and sc closely around. Join with sl st. 2nd rnd: Sc in same place as sl st, * ch 6, skip ¼ inch on washcloth, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around, having number of loops divisible by 3. Join. 3rd rnd: Sl st in next loop, sc in same loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 3, in next loop make (tr, ch 1) 7 times and tr; ch 3, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. 4th rnd: Sl st to center of next loop, sc in same loop, * ch 3, 3 sc in next loop, (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3) 6 times; sc in next ch-1 sp, 3 sc in next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.

MOTIF ... Make a chain 26 inches long. 1st row: Sc in 11th ch from hook, * ch 6, skip 4 ch, sc in next ch. Repeat from * across until there are 38 loops in all. Cut off remaining chain. Turn. 2nd and 3rd rows: Work as for 3rd and 4th rnds of Edging. Sew to washcloth to form a bow.