Collar and Cuffs Pattern

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Collar and Cuffs Pattern

MATERIALS.—1 ball Ardern's crochet cotton No. 20 (old ticket number) or No. 40 (new ticket number). Tatting shuttle.

MEASUREMENTS.—Depth 2¾ ins

ROW 1.
Ring.—3 ds., 3 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., close ring, r.w.
*Chain.—2 ds., 1 p., 2 ds., r.w.
Ring.—3 ds., join to last p. of previous ring, 3 ds., 2 p., sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., close ring, r.w. Repeat from * till 59 rings in all have been worked. Tie and cut.

ROW 2.
Ring.—3 ds., 1 p., 3 ds., join to 2nd p. of ring of previous row 3 ds., 1 p., 3 ds., close ring, r.w.
*Chain.—3 ds., 1 p., 3 ds., r.w.
Ring.—3 ds., join to last p. of previous ring, 3 ds., join to 2nd p. of next ring of previous row 3 ds., 1 p., 3 ds., close ring, r.w. Repeat from * to end.

ROW 3.
Ring.—3 ds., 3 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., close ring, r.w.
*Chain.—3 ds., join p. to chain of previous row, 3 ds.
Ring.—3 ds., join to last p. of previous ring, 3 ds., 2 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., close ring, r.w.
Repeat from * to end. Tie and cut.

ROW 4. As row 2.

ROW 5.
*Ring 1.—3 ds., 7 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., close ring.
Ring 2.—3 ds., join to last p. of previous ring, 3 ds., 1 p., 3 ds., join to p. at end of 1st row, 3 ds., join to p. at end of 2nd row, 3 ds., 3 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., close ring.
Ring 3. —3 ds., join to last p. of previous ring, 3 ds., 6 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., close ring, r.w.
Chain.—3 ds., 7 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., join to 4th p. of ring 3, 3 ds., 7 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds. **
Repeat from * to ** once more, joining ring 2 to ends of 3rd and 4th rows, and 4th p. of ring 1 to 4th p. of ring 3 of previous repeat.
Repeat from * to ** but joining 4th p. of ring 2 to top of 1st ring of 4th row.
Repeat from * to ** but joining 4th p. of ring 2 to p. of 2nd chain of 4th row.
Repeat from * to ** again, but joining 4th p. of ring 2 to p. of 4th chain of 4th row.
*** Miss 2 chains, repeat from * to **, joining 4th p. of ring 2 to p. of next chain.
Repeat from *** 16 times more, then finish end of collar to match beginning. Tie and cut.


ROW 1.
Ring.—3 ds., 3 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., close ring, r.w.
*Chain.—3 ds., 1 p., 3 ds. r.w.
Ring.—3 ds., join to last p. of previous row, 3 ds., 2 p. sep. by 3 ds., 3 ds., close ring.
Repeat from * till 30 rings in all have been worked. Repeat rows 2, 3 and 4 as directed for collar.

ROW 5.
Work trefoil pattern as directed for collar but join to 1st and every following 4th chain (i.e. leave 3 chains between instead of 2, as in collar).