Materials: Clark's O.N.T. (2 balls) or J. & P. Coats (1 ball) Mercerized Crochet, size 50, White. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 10 or 11. A small white button.
Collar: Starting at neck, ch 250 (to measure about 15½ inches), turn. 1st row: 1 d c in 5th ch from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 ch, 1 d c in next ch, repeat from * to end of row, making 4 increases at equal intervals. (To increase, make 2 d c in same ch, with ch-1 between.) Ch 5, turn. (This forms the heading.) 2nd row: * 1 s c in 2nd d c from hook, ch 5, and repeat from * to end of row, ch 9, turn. 3rd row: Same as 2nd row, making s c's in 3rd ch of ch-5, ch 9, turn. 4th, 5th and 6th rows: Make ch-7 loops across. Ch 11, turn. 7th to 10th rows incl: Make ch-9 loops across. Ch 13, turn. 11th to 14th rows incl: Make ch-11 loops across. Ch 15, turn. At end of 14th row, do not break off thread but make a row of heading along side of collar. Make another row of heading on opposite side, and also 3 of ch-9 loops for buttonholes. Make 3 crochet buttons and sew on opposite side to correspond.
Jabot: Ch 150 (to measure about 9 inches), turn. 1st row: 1 s c in 5th ch from hook, * ch 5, skip 4 ch, 1 s c in next ch, repeat from * to end of row. 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows: Same as 3rd row of collar. 5th, 6th and 7th rows: Same as 4th row of collar. 8th, 9th and 10th rows: Same as 6th row of collar. 11th, 12th and 13th rows: Same as 11th row of collar. 14th, 15th and 16th rows: Make ch-13 loops across. Ch 17, turn. 17th, 18th and 19th rows: Make ch-15 loops across. Ch 19, turn. 20th, 21st and 22nd rows: Make ch-17 loops across. Ch 21, turn. 23rd, 24th and 25th rows: Make ch-19 loops across. Ch 23, turn. Break off thread. Fold Jabot into a box pleat at narrow end. Turn edges on each side of pleat under for 2 or 3 inches and holding pleat in place, finish with one row of heading as in collar and break off thread. Place center of collar on top of center of Jabot, and sew both edges together on wrong side. Starch stiffly and pleat in place. Fasten collar with button at back.
Clover Stitch Collar and Cuffs Pattern
Cluny Collar and Cuffs Pattern
Cascade Collar Pattern
Pierrot Collar Pattern
Peasant Collar and Cuffs Pattern
French Collar Pattern
Collar and Cuffs Militaire Pattern
Festoon Collar Pattern
Butterfly Collar Pattern
Cross Stitch Scarf Pattern
Peter Pan Frill Pattern
Cluster Collar and Jabot Pattern
Dotted Tie Pattern
Hieroglyphics Pattern
Streamline Clasps Pattern
Toppling Shell Collar Pattern
Renaissance Collar Pattern
Whirlpool Collar Pattern
Royal Lady Collar Pattern
Cameo Collar Pattern
Triangular Chain Mesh Scarf Pattern
Empire Collar Pattern
V Neck Double Frill Pattern
Reversible Vestee Pattern