Flower Filet Luncheon Set Pattern #222

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Flower Filet Luncheon Set Pattern #222

As a complement to the dishes used, a new note is to make this table set with colored thread. Particu­larly effective for this use are colors 26 Nile Green, 9 Yellow, 25 Crystal Blue or 84 Beige. If colored thread is used, buy one third more material, because of the variation in yardage. The set illustrated is made of Ecru with the single crochet edge and picot worked in Nile Green.

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton, 6 balls; or J. & P. Coats Crochet Cord, 16 balls for five-piece set. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 4.

When completed, center mat measures about 12 x 35 inches, and each place mat about 12 x 18 inches.

Place Mat: Make 4. (Finished size 12 x 18 inches.) To begin, ch 140, turn. 1st row: 1 d c in 6th ch from hook, * ch 2, skip 2 sts of foundation ch, 1 d c in next st, and repeat from * to end of ch (45 sps in all). Ch 5, turn. 2nd to 4th rows incl: Sp over sp. 5th row: 6 sps, 1 bl, 3 sps, 1 bl, etc., following diagram. This diagram represents one-half the size of the place mat.

Then reverse the pattern for the second half of the mat.

Edging: Finish edge with a row of s c, making 2 s c in each sp, and a p every 6 s c.

Center Mat: (12 x 35 inches.) Follow the same dia­gram, but do not reverse when you reach the center portion of the diagram. Continue working from the 22nd row on until work measures 30 inches, then start at 22nd row and reverse design. Edging: Finish outside edge with s c and p as before.

Flower Filet Luncheon Set Pattern #222 chart