Bath Mat Pattern #249

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Bath Mat Pattern #249

Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cot­ton, or J. & P. Coats Crochet Cord.
Large bone crochet hook No. 8.

The thread is used double throughout. Unusual color effects can be worked out by using two strands of con­trasting colors. Suggested combinations are:

Color 88 Peach and 30 Lavender
Color 25 Crystal Blue and 9 Yellow
Color 68 Skipper Blue and White
Color 26 Nile Green and 116 Blossom Pink

The center of the mat is made of the two-tone color combination, and the border of the plain color. 2 balls of Knitting and Crochet Cotton will make an oval mat 15 x 20 inches, and 6 balls of Crochet Cord will make a mat of similar size. A correspondingly larger mat can be made by using more material.

To begin, use two threads (one of each color), and ch 20 to measure about 7 inches, turn. 1st rnd: In­sert hook in 2nd st from hook, draw loop out on hook, insert hook in 3rd st, draw loop out on hook, insert in 4th st, and draw loop out on hook, insert in 5th st, and draw loop out on hook (5 loops on hook), thread over, and draw off all 5 loops at once, * ch 1, insert in single loop at back of ch just made, and draw loop out on hook, insert hook in outside thread of st just made, and draw loop out on hook, insert hook in st in which complete st was just made, and draw loop out on hook, insert hook in next st of ch, and draw loop out on hook (5 loops on hook), thread over, and draw off all 5 loops. Repeat from * to end of ch. Work along other side of foundation ch. 2nd rnd: Continue with this same group st for as many rnds as desired. Increases are made at the ends of the mat only. Be sure to keep work flat. To increase make an additional group st in the small ch that fastens the group st. As the mat grows in size, more increases are needed at the ends. Work a border of 2 or 3 rnds, using two threads of the same color.